Environment Protection Engineering
published quarterly by Wroclaw University of Science and Technology the Department of Environmental Engineering
ISSN: 0324-8828 (print version) 2450-260X (electronic version)
- the paper suitability for EPE journal as well as an appropriate form and standards for scientific papers are verified at first by the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief;
- after the preliminary acceptance the paper is subjected to peer-review by at least 2 independent Reviewers (experts in the paper scientific area, professors, senior academics). The chosen Reviewers should provide:
- autonomous comments,
- absence of conflict of interests,
- confidentiality of the peer review process;
- the peer review is performed in a single blind mode. The Reviewer has an access to the full paper content (via Editorial System) and referee form. The Reviewer’s recommendation with comments is available for Editor-in-Chief in Editorial System. The referee reports with Editor’s decision are sent to Authors as soon as possible;
- Author(s) should correct the reviewed manuscript strictly according to the Reviewer’s remarks and submit the revision to the Editor-in-Chief via Editorial System. The Editor-in-Chief hands down the received revision to Reviewers and awaits for the Reviewer’s responses. Only papers with Reviewer’s decision: “accept with no changes” can be accepted for publication and forwarded for further editorial procedures. Otherwise, the Editor-in-Chief has the authority (with the agreement of the Editorial Board) to reject or send the paper for further revision.
- Papers with the Reviewer’s decision “accept with no changes” are verified by the Editor-in-Chief. If required, the manuscripts are sent back to Authors for final improvement.
The final version of the accepted manuscript (after typesetting, text makeup, language verification, etc.) is sent to Author(s) for correction.