Papers submitted for publication in Environment Protection Engineering should deal with original research and may contain experimental as well as theoretical results. Engineering papers are also welcome provided their topics warrant wide attention. They must not have been previously published elsewhere. Each submitted manuscript will be reviewed, the final decision concerning its acceptance resting with the Editors.

The Editors reserve the right to apply charges for alterations in proof other than the correction of printer’s errors and even shorten the text, if unavoidable.

The author(s) of the paper(s) submitted to publication and published in Environment Protection Engineering agree to exclusive transfer of the due copyright to the publisher.

Submission of manuscript

Submission of a new paper proceeds online via Editorial System:

The system automatically converts your files to a PDF file that will be used in peer-review.

For the first submission DOC file containing text, figures, tables, references should be provided. Upon acceptance, the corresponding author will be requested to submit the file(s) with figures (plots, schemes of technological processes) in appropriate file formats. The acceptable formats include vector files such as XLS, OPJ, CDR (Excel, Origin, CorelDraw), also exported as EPS, EMF or WMF files. Drawings submitted in TIFF or JPG formats, even if exported as EPS, EMF or WMF files, will not be accepted. Bitmaps are acceptable only in the case of photographs.

Organisation of the manuscript

The first page should be organised as follows: title of the paper, author names and ORCID IDs, affiliations, e-mail (only the corresponding author) and abstract (not more than 100 words).

Headings, sub-headings should be placed in the main text as appropriate. The authors are encouraged to conform to the standard sequence of sections (e.g., Introduction; Experimental; Results; Discussion; Conclusions; etc.).

References (maximum 25) should be numbered consecutively by Arabic numerals in square brackets (e.g., [1]; [3, 4]; [7-11]). Each reference should contain names of all authors. The list of references should follow the main text and should have the following format:

For a paper in a journal: author(s), paper title, journal abbreviation, year, volume (number), pages, DOI number:
[1] Kitamura T., Yokoyama M., Hole drift mobility and chemical structure of charge-transporting hydrazone compounds, J. Appl. Phys., 1991, 69 (2), 821-826, DOI: 10.1063/1.347316.

For a book: Author(s), title, Publisher, place, year of issue:
[2] Swalin R.A., Thermodynamics of Solids, Wiley, New York, 1962.

For a chapter in a book: Author(s), title of the chapter in English, [In:] Author(s) or Editors of the book, its title in English, Publisher, place of issue, year, page(s), (original language if not English):
[3] Wild U.P. and Renn A., Spectral Hole-Burning, [In:] H. Drr, H. Bouas-Laurent (Eds.), Photochromism. Molecules and Systems, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990, p. 930.
[4] Electrochemistry, [In:] I. Barycka, K. Skudlarski, Fundamentals of Chemistry, Ofic. Wyd. PWr., Wrocław, 2001, p. 233–264 (in Polish).

Journal abbreviations should be in accordance with the standards of Chemical Abstracts.

Equations referred to in the text should be numbered consecutively at the right hand margin with Arabic numerals in parentheses.

Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, and denoted in the text. The list of figure captions should follow the list of references at the end of the text. The tables should be planned so as their final widths do not exceed 13 cm.